Sunday, October 28, 2012

Proud grandfather.How great it is!!!!

This year marked a great milestone in my hunting career. Some of the greatest moments of my life have been shared with my friends and relatives  hunting deer. This is not to say I have not had other great moments in my life, but hunting has and will remain a priority for me.
I have been very fortunate to have been with my son and 3 grandsons when they killed their first bucks.I introduced deer hunting to my grand kids and they took to it like bees to honey and finally this year TC Allen killed his fist buck.(see previous post).
Sadie Grace Allen is my grand daughter and is 2 years old. Maybe, who knows, I will be with her if and when she gets her first buck !!!!
When you hunt deer with someone it creates a special bond and memories that last forever. I strive to hunt with my special friends because I know the memories will last and the friendship will straighten. When it is with relatives it is special. When it is with children it is very special. When with grand kids it is awesome. When with grand kids and their first buck it is the ultimate!!!!
Spend time with your kids and build memories!!!!  Be happy and live life to the fullest. I hope this posts finds you and yours happy.

Picture #1 & 2, Shilo Burgess with his first buck 2008. TC and I were with him.

Picture #3, 4,and 5, Devin Gilley with his first buck 2009. I was actually sitting next to Devin and talked him through his first buck kill.

Picture # 6, TC Allen and his first buck 2012. I was on the ground under his stand rattling and saw TC bring his gun up and shoot his buck!!!

Picture #7 ,Sadie Allen on our buck decoy (Bob)


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