Thursday, July 18, 2013

The Hunter.

When I am not hunting I am thinking about it. It is on my mind cause it is in my blood. When the hunt calls I think of so much more than deer, blood and guts. I think of great memories made in the great outdoors with family and friends. In the corrupt world we live in today hunting the way I was taught to hunt with ethics and responsibility, is probably one of the most pure, honest forms Of self expression protected by our 1st amendment rights and protected by the 2nd. The old adage a bad day in the woods is better than a good day at work is near and dear to my heart. I am a hunter! I believe in the wisdom gained from hard work and reward. So many life skills and lessons are obtained from the hunt. If you get to see a deer or to that's great, If you get to kill one that's even better. But being in the woods at the break of dawn is the best. The cool morning breeze whispers secrets into the ears of those who are listening. Will you be there to hear them?

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