Thursday, August 29, 2013

32 Days..... Going up to the cabin this weekend to finish cutting and marking trails for the boys and I to get to our stands. Got some real good hard wood funnels picked out for this year. Priority number one is to put deven and tc on good bucks for the weekend of the youth hunt. I got it all figured out and I am just gonna drive down the road and drop them off in their spots and see what happens. Priority number two is to see to it that my father has to do minimal work this year leaving free to focus on his hunting. Priority number three put my fathers cousin that is coming down for muzzle loading season in some good spots, God some good ones all picked out. Last but not least are my personal goals for the 2013 season. 1.Going to be selective with bucks. I am only going to kill bucks that are bigger than ones I have killed in the past. 2. I want to kill a good buck with my bow. 3 While bow hunting I am going to kill every doe I see. A hunter in the know always takes a doe. I plan on taking four, and pack the freezer. 4. Hunt harder and longer. Staying on the morning stand till one pm. According to the Oklahoma history books four the last ten years A high percentage of record bucks were killed between the hours of 11:00 and 1:00. Most of all I would be thrilled to see the boys and my fathers cousin to get good bucks. If my father and I get to be apart of the boys getting some good bucks for me the season will be a success. Many memories will be made at the old cabin this year. Counting down the days.....

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