Sunday, November 25, 2012

What a Season!

During opening week of gun season, my son-in-law's brother Jeff shot a big 8 pointer. Our friend, Bill later got a trophy size 10 pointer. Jeff's 11 year old son shot his first deer, a spike horn and Jeff's 12 year old nephew shot a spike, also his first deer. Just when I didn't think it could get better, my 8 year old grandson, Wade (pictured above) shot his first deer, a 150 lbs. 8 pointer. Wade has been shooting since he was 4 years old and is a crack shot with his 22 Cricket. This year his dad, Steve and I graduated him to a 30-30. Yesterday morning, Steve and Wade were sitting in a ground blind. Wade was using the 30-30. At daylight, Wade saw a buck come out of the woods into the corn field about 30 yards from their blind. He asked his dad if he could shoot it since Steve couldn't see the deer. Wade made a perfect shot, hitting the buck in the shoulder. When Steve and Wade went over to see what Wade had killed, Steve said that he about "messed his britches." Later that day, Wade was sitting with me. He was getting cold and whispered to me, "Poppy, I'm cold. I think I have had enough deer hunting for one day. I don't want to shoot another right now." I took Wade back to our hunting camp. He had earned a break from hunting plus he had cookies and a coke on his mind.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a great season. Your a proud papa. Good going with those boys!!!
