Friday, November 9, 2012

Kentucky Gun Season

Gun season in Kentucky starts tomorrow (11/10).  We put our treestands out early in October to be ready for muzzle loader season, but it was uneventful. We saw a lot of deer, but none trophy status. Our trail cams have consistantly captured shootable bucks, but we did not happen to see them while hunting. Hopefully, gun season tomorrow will be different. We have an agreement in our camp that if anyone shoots a buck and doesn't mount it, he will pay the camp kitty $100. Consequently, we have several nice bucks on the farm that we hunt and no one shoots the small ones.

 I understand what Tom means when he posted that hunting with children and grand children was special. My son Jon, got leave from JSOC (Joint Special Operations Command) and he and my grandson, Brandon will be hunting with us. Jon will use my stand and Brandon and I will hunt from a 2 man stand. Brandon will do the shooting if the opportunity presents itself.

I just got a call from Steve, my son-in-law, while writing this. He went into camp early this morning bow hunting. He said that he just saw the big 10 pointer that we have been getting pictures of. It came out of the woods about 60 yards away, stood broadside to him and ignored his grunts and bleats. It was watching some does across the field. He said that he also saw a decient 8 pointer this morning, but couldn't get a shot.
My adrenaline (?) is beginning to pump, so I'm going to jump off for now. Hopefully, I will have a good yarn to spin come Monday!

1 comment:

  1. Nice informative post. Hopefully you will have "results" pictures
