Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Allen and friends hunting experiences : Oklahoma muzzle loading season

Allen and friends hunting experiences : Oklahoma muzzle loading season: The 2012 muzzle loading season is over. We did not hunt that much because TR had to work. We did finally get a 6 point buck this morning. Sh...

Last week was a tuff week to hunt, seen lots of small bucks and lots of doe.  Full moon and hot days shut the deer movement down for me.  Big bucks were staying out of sight only moving at night!  Did get good cam pic's of a couple of big bucks a 10 point and big high rack 8 point, all taken at night!! This Friday, Sat & Sun I have control hunt coming up at the Little River NWR I got drawn for.  No gun hunting allowed in the refuge with the exception of a controled hunt, so the deer hunting should be good, looks like the weather will be good as well!

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