Sunday, November 25, 2012

What a Season!

During opening week of gun season, my son-in-law's brother Jeff shot a big 8 pointer. Our friend, Bill later got a trophy size 10 pointer. Jeff's 11 year old son shot his first deer, a spike horn and Jeff's 12 year old nephew shot a spike, also his first deer. Just when I didn't think it could get better, my 8 year old grandson, Wade (pictured above) shot his first deer, a 150 lbs. 8 pointer. Wade has been shooting since he was 4 years old and is a crack shot with his 22 Cricket. This year his dad, Steve and I graduated him to a 30-30. Yesterday morning, Steve and Wade were sitting in a ground blind. Wade was using the 30-30. At daylight, Wade saw a buck come out of the woods into the corn field about 30 yards from their blind. He asked his dad if he could shoot it since Steve couldn't see the deer. Wade made a perfect shot, hitting the buck in the shoulder. When Steve and Wade went over to see what Wade had killed, Steve said that he about "messed his britches." Later that day, Wade was sitting with me. He was getting cold and whispered to me, "Poppy, I'm cold. I think I have had enough deer hunting for one day. I don't want to shoot another right now." I took Wade back to our hunting camp. He had earned a break from hunting plus he had cookies and a coke on his mind.

Beginners Luck-Brandon's 1st Buck

My 14 year old grandson, Brandon came from Virginia Beach with his dad to hunt with us opening weekend. We sat in my 2 man stand. About an hour after sun up, we saw two bucks chasing a doe up a creek below us. I had installed a remote recorded deer call on a tree below our stand. When we saw the deer, I played two doe-in-heat bleats. The deer stopped running and began trying to locate the source of the bleats. I then played a dominate buck grunt and the deer raced up the hill towards us. I told Brandon to get ready and take both the bucks since we had plenty of tags. The lead buck was a trophy size 10 pointer and the second buck was a smaller 8 pointer. The deer ran within 20 feet of our stand and Brandon had to stand up to shoot because the gun rest was in the way. He shot at the 10 pointer and I saw it lurch sideways, but it kept running. He hit the 8 pointer and it went down immediately. We stayed in the stand approximately 30 minutes before we climbed down to look for the 10 pointer. The leaves were kicked up where the 10 pointer stumbled, but next to the spot was a 6 inch oak with bullet hole through the tree at deer shoulder height. There was no blood or hair by the tree nor could we find any after tracking him a ways. The bullet hitting the tree must have sprayed the buck with splinters and pieces of bullet causing him to stumble. We dragged the 8 pointer up to the camp with my 4 wheeler because I didn't want to gut it by the treestand. When I got my knife out, Brandon said that he wanted to gut it. He said that he wanted to learn it all. I therefore walked him through the process. His killing the 8 pointer caused me more excitement than I have experienced deer hunting in years. 

Friday, November 23, 2012

Oklahoma rifle season update 2

I'm home. It's Friday afer Thanksgiving and I'm about hunted out. Hunted way to much in early (hot) bow season. Gonna take the weekend off then hunt around the cabin the second week of season. TR and Devin still up at deer camp for the weekend. Devin still trying for a deer. We haven't had the year we have in the passed, but passed on several small bucks.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Oklahoma rifle season update

Boys have been hunting hard. I filled a doe permit. TR got 3 point. Shilo (the deer whisperer) killed big 10 point at dark. Were trying to get Devin a buck because hasn't connected yet although he has had chances.

This another first day buck by another guy in our camp.

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Adirondack Rifle Season Update

Its been a slow start this year with very little buck sign and hot weather to start with.Now with november half gone temps have dropped and hunting parties are seeing some sign and killing some bucks.A good friend of mine killed the biggest of his life last week.Noel Pelletier came to hunt with us for 3 days and saw a 3 ptr and doe first drive.We all saw deer every day but no bucks with them.I put 2 deer toward watchers on a drive and thought 1 was a buck but noone saw them.Still have time left and am hoping some sign and a buck turn up before its over.I have seen some nice sights and explored some big country this year, i guess thats half of being in the woods.goodluck to ya all..Ill update in the near future....T-MAN

Friday, November 9, 2012

Kentucky Gun Season

Gun season in Kentucky starts tomorrow (11/10).  We put our treestands out early in October to be ready for muzzle loader season, but it was uneventful. We saw a lot of deer, but none trophy status. Our trail cams have consistantly captured shootable bucks, but we did not happen to see them while hunting. Hopefully, gun season tomorrow will be different. We have an agreement in our camp that if anyone shoots a buck and doesn't mount it, he will pay the camp kitty $100. Consequently, we have several nice bucks on the farm that we hunt and no one shoots the small ones.

 I understand what Tom means when he posted that hunting with children and grand children was special. My son Jon, got leave from JSOC (Joint Special Operations Command) and he and my grandson, Brandon will be hunting with us. Jon will use my stand and Brandon and I will hunt from a 2 man stand. Brandon will do the shooting if the opportunity presents itself.

I just got a call from Steve, my son-in-law, while writing this. He went into camp early this morning bow hunting. He said that he just saw the big 10 pointer that we have been getting pictures of. It came out of the woods about 60 yards away, stood broadside to him and ignored his grunts and bleats. It was watching some does across the field. He said that he also saw a decient 8 pointer this morning, but couldn't get a shot.
My adrenaline (?) is beginning to pump, so I'm going to jump off for now. Hopefully, I will have a good yarn to spin come Monday!

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Post muzzle loading bow season.

Weather and moon getting better. Rut is slowly coming in. Shot and missed a so so rack buck yesterday. It was behind a doe about 20 minutes. It had something funky going on with horns. 35 yard shot. Very awkward position. Hunted 7 hrs today, no deer. Saw seven yesterday. Hunting hard next 8 days then we have rifle season for 2 weeks. Something will go down soon!!!!!

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Allen and friends hunting experiences : Oklahoma youth hunt

Allen and friends hunting experiences : Oklahoma youth hunt: We had a good youth weekend hunt. It was warm, but we reached a new milestone in our hunting legacy. TC got his first buck and did it with h...

Ok it's Oct 15th , Time to get serious.  Bow hunted last weekend seen lots of doe and 1 not so good 8 point buck.  I'm in a really good area lots of sign, maybe this weekend I will get a shot, has to be a big one!

Allen and friends hunting experiences : Proud grandfather.How great it is!!!!

Allen and friends hunting experiences : Proud grandfather.How great it is!!!!: This year marked a great milestone in my hunting career. Some of the greatest moments of my life have been shared with my friends and relati...

Tom, What a great family you have, nice to see the kids involved in the hunting experience!  Keep up the good work!!!

Allen and friends hunting experiences : Oklahoma muzzle loading season

Allen and friends hunting experiences : Oklahoma muzzle loading season: The 2012 muzzle loading season is over. We did not hunt that much because TR had to work. We did finally get a 6 point buck this morning. Sh...

Last week was a tuff week to hunt, seen lots of small bucks and lots of doe.  Full moon and hot days shut the deer movement down for me.  Big bucks were staying out of sight only moving at night!  Did get good cam pic's of a couple of big bucks a 10 point and big high rack 8 point, all taken at night!! This Friday, Sat & Sun I have control hunt coming up at the Little River NWR I got drawn for.  No gun hunting allowed in the refuge with the exception of a controled hunt, so the deer hunting should be good, looks like the weather will be good as well!

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Oklahoma muzzle loading season

The 2012 muzzle loading season is over. We did not hunt that much because TR had to work. We did finally get a 6 point buck this morning. Shilo killed it about 10 am. He had actually stayed in camp to baby sit for Sadie so Dawn could go hunting. When she came back from hunting Shilo went out about 9am. He went to a spot he hunts a lot. He was on the ground and he made 3 doe bleats with his call and in walked the buck. That was it!!! Shilo is a lot like Bob Allen was. He can kill a deer in a car wash.

Sadie enjoys hunting camp.

2012 Adirondack Deer Season

We started our season off very warm with lots of leaves on. The last week the temps have dropped alot and we lost the leaves from hurricane sandy.So far this year i have seen almost as many deer as i did all 2011 season.Buck sign has just started,some real big scrapes,and we are seeing deer pretty regularly.I have logged 24 hrs in a tree stand so far this year and we have made alot of our hunts but havent ran into a buck yet.There is no nuts at all this year or berries so trying to hunt food sources is hard but now its about the buck sign and soon the does.Our hot time of the season is just kicking off and we have alot of time left.