Sunday, December 16, 2012

TR kills first real bow (not cross bow) buck

Yesterday I took Dawn up to the sweet spot by the our cabin. I had set up a ground blind and she was using my cross bow. We were in fold up chairs and I was sitting right in back of her. We had a doe come in and she was at 14 yards away. The doe never got broadside so I didn't tell her to shoot. Dawn was still excited and maybe she will get her first deer yet this year.

I was watching football and TR was hunting the sweet spot. He called at 5:30 and said he had killed a buck. I pulled my boots on walked the 200 yards where TR was coming down the tree with his climber. He had shot it at 40 yards and was pretty excited because it was his first buck with a bow. I gutted the deer in my pajamas took a couple of pictures and we were back to the house in 20 minutes.

TR has been hunting hard for his first bow buck. He had been in the tree since 2 pm and it paid off. Nice going son, great shot.

This is the same deer I shot at early in the season. I thought I had missed, but from the the picture below you can see my shot was high, but went thru above the spine!!!


  1. Congratulation on your buck, TR. It is one thing to shoot a buck with a rifle. Bows take hunting to a new level. Looks like our family tradition and legacy is being passed on. Don't know about Oklahoma, but hunting here is looked down on more and more. So much so, that in the November election a state constitutional ammendment was added in guarantee hunting rights a way to control game populations.

  2. It wasn't the biggest buck of the year but it was the best ever for me. The second I saw that arrow fly across the field and go through the rib cage, I was hooked on bow hunting.

  3. Thanks!! Looking forward to getting bloody with ya this year!
