Saturday, December 15, 2012

Steve Does it Again - Kentucky Elk Season 2012

Several years ago, the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation and the Ky. Dept. of Fish and Wildlife reintroduced elk in Eastern Kentucky. Due to the fact that there are no natural elk preditors in Kentucky, winters are mild and high mineral food sources are plentiful, the elk population has exploded with many trophy bulls. I have put in for a tag every year and never have been drawn. My son-in-law, Steve has entered as well, and was drawn about 5 years ago. The above bull is a 7 x 7 that he killed opening morning of the season.

This year, the lucky son of a gun drew out a cow tag. He killed this 400 lbs. amimal on Nov. 11th. The only problem was, it wasn't a cow. He shot it in thick brush and it turned out that the elk had a 6 inch spike on one side and the other was broken off.  He said that he had a clear view of the Elk's head about 60 yards away through an opening in the brush and he did not see the small spike. Coincidently, Steve was hunting on Consol Energy property adjoining my wife, Margery's family farm, which she and her sister had sold to her aunt. Steve called the game warden (who turned out to be one of my wife's cousins) and he reported his mistake. The game warden cut off the spike, issued Steve a fineless citation and told him he could keep his elk. Things like this can only happen in Kentucky.

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