Sunday, December 16, 2012

TR kills first real bow (not cross bow) buck

Yesterday I took Dawn up to the sweet spot by the our cabin. I had set up a ground blind and she was using my cross bow. We were in fold up chairs and I was sitting right in back of her. We had a doe come in and she was at 14 yards away. The doe never got broadside so I didn't tell her to shoot. Dawn was still excited and maybe she will get her first deer yet this year.

I was watching football and TR was hunting the sweet spot. He called at 5:30 and said he had killed a buck. I pulled my boots on walked the 200 yards where TR was coming down the tree with his climber. He had shot it at 40 yards and was pretty excited because it was his first buck with a bow. I gutted the deer in my pajamas took a couple of pictures and we were back to the house in 20 minutes.

TR has been hunting hard for his first bow buck. He had been in the tree since 2 pm and it paid off. Nice going son, great shot.

This is the same deer I shot at early in the season. I thought I had missed, but from the the picture below you can see my shot was high, but went thru above the spine!!!

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Steve Does it Again - Kentucky Elk Season 2012

Several years ago, the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation and the Ky. Dept. of Fish and Wildlife reintroduced elk in Eastern Kentucky. Due to the fact that there are no natural elk preditors in Kentucky, winters are mild and high mineral food sources are plentiful, the elk population has exploded with many trophy bulls. I have put in for a tag every year and never have been drawn. My son-in-law, Steve has entered as well, and was drawn about 5 years ago. The above bull is a 7 x 7 that he killed opening morning of the season.

This year, the lucky son of a gun drew out a cow tag. He killed this 400 lbs. amimal on Nov. 11th. The only problem was, it wasn't a cow. He shot it in thick brush and it turned out that the elk had a 6 inch spike on one side and the other was broken off.  He said that he had a clear view of the Elk's head about 60 yards away through an opening in the brush and he did not see the small spike. Coincidently, Steve was hunting on Consol Energy property adjoining my wife, Margery's family farm, which she and her sister had sold to her aunt. Steve called the game warden (who turned out to be one of my wife's cousins) and he reported his mistake. The game warden cut off the spike, issued Steve a fineless citation and told him he could keep his elk. Things like this can only happen in Kentucky.

Sunday, December 9, 2012

REVISION Shilo does it again.

I found out this morning that Shilo was not in a tree stand. He was on the ground in his jeans, tennis shoes and a camo shirt. That is why he could quickly take off to get front of the deer. Also deer measured green 147.

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Shilo does it again..

Here is the story short and sweet. Shilo is in this stand tonight 12/8/2012 for the first time. He sees a doe followed by a big buck. He dosen't get a shot. He gets down from his stand and runs a couple hundred yards trying to circle in front of the deer. He picks a spot where he thinks they come thru and gets on one knee. The doe comes then the buck 30 yards broadside, his arrow flys, bingo big buck down.

This is typical Shilo and thats why we call him the deer whisperer. Shilo is a great athlete and at 17 is in great shape. Shilo does things normal hunters would not do, but it works for him. This is a great public land buck, Shilo's biggest so far, but we said that 2 weeks ago.

Oklahomas- stupid, lazy, and pessimistic hunter

This Oklahoma hunter decide to go to TR's honey hole to see if there as any action.We had left this place alone to hunt it after rifle season. (Oh my God Shilo just walked in with a huge buck, see next post)Anyway being lazy, stupid, and pessimistic I just took my camera. After all I wasn't going to shoot anything anyway.

Well at 8 AM here comes a huge buck that I think was the "Lost camera buck". He stops at about 70 yards and I snapped a picture.. He was coming but I think the flash spooked him. If I had my cross bow I think he would of stopped then came right under my stand. But when your stupid and lazy you don't kill big bucks.

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Oklahoma rifle season over.

TR and Devin killed 2 does this morning. Freezer getting filled.

So far this year.  TC-8 point;   Shilo- 6 point, 10 point, doe;  TR-2 does, 3 point buck;  Tom-doe.

Now on to late bow season.