Sunday, September 23, 2012


I started this blog to be able update my friends and family on the Allen Family hunting experiences. I'm retired so I am lucky to have every day available to hunt. Hunting is my main priority in the fall and has been for 50 years. I have been a fairly good hunter over the years and have bagged many deer. My 2 biggest buck were killed in 1980 and 2011. Big bucks come hard. The first was an 9 point NY deer weighing 178 lbs. The second was a large framed 8 point killed in Iowa. I didn't weigh this buck, but estimated the weight at 225 to 250 lbs.

This blog will focus on the Allen Family hunting experiences. The main people involved will be myself, my son TR Allen, My grand kids, TC Allen, Devin Gilley, Shilo Burgess, Sadie Grace Allen, my daughter in law Dawn Allen, brother Dick Allen, nephew Trent Allen

I hope you enjoy and please feel free to post your comments.


  1. Good to see you starting this blog Tom, Hope we can all share our hunting experiences here!

  2. Tom,
    I remember when our hunting started. We were kids, too young to carry guns and we would make drives to your dad (my uncle) and Dick Dion. When we got old enough to carry guns, people in town joked with your dad and Dick Dion about hunting with a bunch of kids. It didn't take long for us to learn and we started killing more deer than most of the hunting parties in Ti. We had pros for teachers and we were expected to be good. I have hunted in several states and in Canada and I have never met a more skilled family. Who else could go to Quebec, to a place where we never hunted, scout the land and kill 5 bucks in 6 days? I am proud to be an extended part of the family.
